It’s an original walk, a treasure hunt of a few kilometres that allows you to discover a territory, a local heritage and anecdotes: all while playing!
Equipped with the 100% free ”Terra Aventura” smartphone application, you are ready for adventure with your family.
Clues to take up, riddles to solve and the excitement of finding the treasure: the Poï’z; these little characters with strong characters who populate the universe of Terra Aventura, guide you and whose badges are to be collected 😉

Tèrra Aventura
Courses in Côte Landes NatureWhat is Tèrra Aventura?
How to play?
Select a trail by choosing a theme, a level or an area. You can also have a look at how long each cache lasts and choose according to the time you wish to spend hunting for the treasure!
The, simply download the trail and off you go !
Click on the « Start » button. You’ll be able to visualize your position on the map and go from one step to the next. Enter the answers to the questions as you go along. The application makes it quite simple!
Just let it guide you!
If your answers are correct, the cache GPS coordinates will appear and the app will lead you to the treasure!

Tèrra Aventura (in English)
Don’t have a smartphone ?
Just print the log book from home : click on the cache trails.
You can also ask the nearest Tourist Office for a copy. You will need a GPS. You can rent one in some participating Tourist Offices.
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In France
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